Wednesday, 8 December 2010


  I cannot  begin to tell you the various emotions I felt when I came across this house. This truly has got to one of my very favorite designs OF ALL TIME! It is the house that keeps on giving really! Just when you think you have got it figured out you stumble into yet ANOTHER pleasant surprise!
 It is a -wait for it-VACATION HOME designed by the architect Kotaro Ide from the Japanese firm Artechnik.
 The two storey organic shape is made from re-enforced cement. The structure was built above the ground to protect it from the low tempretures of the Karuizawa region......
 Double glazed glass offers uninterrupted views of the nature from within the house.Deck wood was used on he patio to create a small amphitheater-like structure at the centre of the house around a full-grown tree.

One of the requests from the owners was for the house to co-exsist with nature, which I personally think was executed well......
Images via:Yatzer

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